the divorce from Alitalia is due to Malpensa and the government

ROME – The failure of the alliance between Alitalia and Klm? Guilt of the uncertain future of Malpensa and the relative political instability of the Italian government. This is the analysis of Coen Oort, chairman of the Supervisory Board (the control body of the Board of Directors) of Klm. In an interview with the Wolkenrldder magazine, an internal periodical of the Dutch airline, the “true number one” of Klm focuses its criticism on the lack of political stability in our country. In short, if we did not arrive at the “wedding”, according to Oort, “it was not for want of Alitalia, it was the Italian government that made it difficult”. “To begin with – notes the president of the Supervisory Board – there was no clarity about the future of Malpensa, and then – he continues – it was difficult to get to the point: when it came to an agreement with a minister, we were in the middle of a new change of Government, and we returned to the starting point “. And underlining the role of the Italian Executive, Oort states: “We – are the manager’s words – we were essentially dealing with the Italian government and all that hype on Malpensa began to erode the commercial bases”. And at that point – this is the reconstruction of the economist for a long time at the service of the Dutch government – the discussion between the two partners has also spread to the problem about who was to command. In short, the unreliability of the Italian Government has also come to affect the relationship between the two carriers. Looking to the future and to relations with British Airways, Oort excludes a takeover and the disappearance of the Dutch brand not excluding any option for an Anglo-Dutch marriage.


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