Prince Charles breaks his shoulder

LONDON – Prince Charles yesterday produced a small shoulder fracture during a fox hunt. The prince fell off his horse because of a “sudden jump”, as explained by the spokesman of Palazzo Saint James. The hunt had been organized in Derbyshire, in the center of England. Carlo broke a small bone in his left shoulder. According to the doctors, the fracture should be reabsorbed by itself, but the prince will now have to put his arm around his neck for some time. Carlo, who after a brief stop in the hospital went to rest in his Highgrove hunting lodge, is a skilled hunter. Ten years ago he broke an arm playing polo and two years ago he broke a rib during a hunting expedition in Wales. MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin flatly denied the alleged revelations of the American newspaper Washington Times saying that Moscow would transfer tactical nuclear weapons to the Baltic at the Kaliningrad base. Putin said this in response to a German journalist, on the sidelines of his walk this afternoon inside the Kremlin and on Red Square in the company of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, on an informal visit to Moscow. Also the spokesman of the Russian foreign ministry, Aleksandr Iakovenko, returned yesterday evening to the subject, who said that nuclear weapons “were not and are no longer located on the Baltic, neither on land, nor on ships, nor on airplanes” .