Tokyo still rises

Yesterday’s Wall Street rebound also hit the Asian markets. The Tokyo Stock Exchange closed the session with a leap forward of almost 1 percent. Which partially offsets yesterday’s decline of 1.6 percent. Yesterday’s Wall Street bounce was also felt on Asian markets. The Tokyo Stock Exchange closed the session with a leap forward of almost 1 percent, which partly offsets yesterday’s decline by 1.6 percent. The Nikkei index rose to 13,765.51 points, 127.18 more than yesterday’s close. With today’s gain the Japanese stock market’s rebound in the last week rises to 12 percent. Leading the list was above all the good performance of Nomura, which benefited from the increased transactions on the stock exchange in the wake of investors’ renewed confidence in the Japan Stock Exchange. The most important brokerage bank in the country realized a gain of 3.3 per cent, followed by Daiwa and Nikko, second and third in the ranking of brokerage houses, with increases of 1.7 and 2 respectively , 6 percent.