Drug trafficking and weapons in handcuffs ultras Lazio

ROME – Officially it was a garage used by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in the popular neighborhood of Trastevere in Rome. In reality it was a center for drug and arms trafficking, set up by a group of people close to the extreme right, including one of the leaders of the Lazio ultras. After two months of investigations, carried out by Digos, Sisde and the Central Prevention Directorate, four people were arrested last night and another twenty were reported. In the focus of the investigators a precise environment of the Roman extreme right, the one between ideology, stadium violence and common crime. Among the detainees Adamo Dionisi, 36 years old, considered one of the historical leaders of the Irreducible, the hardest faction of Lazio’s ultras. With him they ended up in handcuffs: Antonio Di Balsamo, 65, custodian of the ministerial offices, the latter’s son, Alberto Di Balsamo, 28, Adamo Dionisi, 36, and Nicolò Bruno, 31 years old. The agents’ blitz continued throughout the night until the early hours of this morning in the homes of twenty people. During the searches, three guns were found: two 38 caliber and a 92 S model, which was stolen from a policeman. Also confiscated different ammunition, in addition to 30 kilos of hashish and 5 of cocaine, a quantity that, according to the investigators, was passed off by the gang during a month. Also found several cellular phones, on which investigations are in progress, and some licenses and identity cards stolen. “The operation – says the director of Digos of Rome, Franco Gabrielli – does not involve the criminalization of the Irreducible or of organized support in general. We intervene where we find concrete results and this is what happened in this circumstance”.