Giulio Tremonti

Considered the weaver of the agreement with the League, the newly appointed Minister of the Economy, Giulio Tremonti – formerly Finance Minister in Berlusconi 1 – is the first super-minister who, in addition to the responsibility for state expenditures, will add the one on revenues after the amalgamation of Treasury and Finance. He is famous for the law that bears his name, launched by the first Berlusconi government, to alleviate the tax burden on companies that reinvest their profits. Born in Sondrio on 18 August 1947, Tremonti is married, has two children, is a university professor, a cassation lawyer and a professor of tax law at the law faculty of the University of Pavia. In the 1994 political elections he was elected deputy on the list of the Signs Pact in Lombardy. From 1996 he moved to Forza Italia.