Bush’s anger “They will not escape”

Bush’s anger “They will not escape”
WASHINGTON – “Today we had a national tragedy, two planes attacked the World Trade Center in what appears to be a terrorist act against our country”. The confirmation came from George Bush that those in New York were attacks. Before the explosions a few meters from the Pentagon, in Washington, and the Capitol. “We have taken all the necessary safety precautions to protect the American people,” Bush said. And the whole world is terrified by what is happening and even the prime ministers of European countries leave to return to the official offices and announce the state of alert. “I spoke with the vice president, with the governor of New York, with the director of the FBI, and I ordered that all the resources of the federal government be used to help the victims and families and to carry out investigations on the scale pool, to hunt down and find those responsible for this act “, says the head of the White House. And meanwhile all the federal offices of America are evacuated, the airplanes blocked on the runways of the airports. To add drama to the drama, the news that the Air Force One, the presidential plane, took off in flight with George Bush junior aboard. and it is not landed, a sign of maximum alertness. Then, intelligence sources say Bush, the first lady, Laura, vice president Dick Cheney are “all safe” in Louisiana. From there the president still speaks to American citizens and promises: “Be assured, the United States will hunt down and punish those who are responsible for these cowardly attacks. The armed forces are in a state of maximum alert and the measures have been implemented necessary to guarantee the functioning of the government “.
The NATO’s reaction to terrorist attacks that do not yet have a flag is very hard. These are the words of Undersecretary General George Robertson: “These barbaric acts represent an intolerable aggression against the democracy and underline the need for the international community and the members of the Alliance to join forces to fight the scourge of terrorism”.
The state of attention is spreading in Europe. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was to deliver an important speech in the assembly of trade unions in Brighton, hastily returned to London. He expresses his “deep condolences” to the United States and calls for a joint effort to “eradicate the evil of mass terrorism” and calls the attacks “the most terrible and shocking events in the United States”.
September 11 2001