From Iran, aid to Hamas “We will donate 50 million dollars”

From Iran, aid to Hamas “We will donate 50 million dollars”
TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announces on state television: we will donate fifty million dollars to Hamas. Tehran’s decision comes after the blockade of aid to the Hamas government decided by the United States and the European Union in recent days.
Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh met today in Gaza with the leaders of the various Palestinian formations to discuss the financial crisis facing the PA following the suspension of international subsidies. To these must also be added the lack of customs duties and taxes that Israel no longer pays and which amounted to 40-50 million dollars a month.
“The government of the Islamic Republic invites all countries to help the Palestinian nation and government and announces it has allocated 50 million dollars,” said Mottaki, who then added an appeal: “If aid is suspended and this situation will continue, this land will soon be the scene of a humanitarian catastrophe “. However, the foreign minister did not specify how and when aid will reach the Palestinians.
April 16, 2006