Great Britain: named new government returns to Jack Straw, Miliband to Foreign Affairs

Great Britain: named new government returns to Jack Straw, Miliband to Foreign Affairs
LONDON – The new British prime minister, Gordon Brown, has filled virtually all the boxes of his new government. Alistair Darling, a technocrat who was a close associate of both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, is the new Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister of the Economy). His appointment marks a continuity trait with Brown’s own economic policy, for ten years Chancellor. Darling, 53, was director general of the Treasury, and Minister of Industry and Commerce.
Jaqui Smith will be interior minister, the first woman to take office, the former minister of the environment, critical of the war in Iraq, David Miliband, 41, protégé of former premier Blair, will be foreign minister, Alan Johnson of health, and Peter Hain, former minister for Northern Ireland, of labor and pensions. Among many new faces, a great return: Jack Straw, ousted by Blair who did not like his critical attitude about Iraq when he was foreign minister, returns to the Brown government with the post of Minister of Justice. A dicastery overwhelmed by criticism in recent months, due to judgments that are too light against criminals, and which it is now up to him to put in order.
Among the most important appointments is that of David Miliband, now head of one of the most influential diplomats on the planet at the age of 41: he is the youngest British foreign minister ever. Long regarded as the fastest-growing Labor star, he is a brilliant reformer politician that many see in the future as prime minister. The choice of Gordon Brown to name him as head of the Foreign Office is read by commentators as a – rich – prize for not running against him in the competition for Labor leadership, despite the many pressures that came from the left. Miliband was in fact against intervention in Iraq, and last year, as Minister of the Environment,
Here is the list of ministers of the new British government, led by Gordon Brown, according to Downing Street:
– Prime Minister; Gordon Brown.
– Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister of the Economy): Alistair Darling.
– Foreign Affairs: David Miliband.
– Interior: Jacqui Smith.
– Health: Alan Johnson.
– Justice: Jack Straw.
– Defense: Des Browne.
– Culture, media and sport: James Purnell.
– School and childhood: Ed Balls.
– Transportation: Ruth Kelly.
– Work and pensions: Peter Hain.
– International development: Douglas Alexander.
– Environment, food and rural affairs: Hilary Benn.
– Company: John Hutton.
– Community and local government: Hazel Blears.
– Northern Ireland: Shaun Woodward.
– Innovation and universities: John Denham.
June 28, 2007