Iran, French Foreign Minister

Iran, French Foreign Minister
“The world risks war on nuclear power”
PARIS – French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner talks about Iran’s nuclear program and launches a prophecy that makes one shudder: “The world must prepare for the worst … that is to say war”. In an interview with a radio the exponent of the government Sarkozy asks the international community to make the ayatollah regime understand that the situation is serious. “The major states are thinking about the plans – Kouchner said – but it is not for tomorrow. Meanwhile let us understand that we will not accept that this bomb is built. We need more effective sanctions”. France, for its part, has already begun to take initiatives.
“We – the minister continued – have already asked a number of large companies not to invest in Iran. And I do not think we are the only ones to have done this”. Kouchner asks European partners, as already requested by Germany, to think of sanctions “in addition to those of the UN”. Also because he warns: “If Tehran is equipped with a nuclear weapon it would be a danger to the whole world”.
September 16, 2007