Sarkozy confirms Fillon as premier “Ready to open new economic phase”

Sarkozy confirms Fillon as premier
“Ready to open new economic phase”
PARIS – The French prime minister, Francois Fillon, who yesterday presented the government’s resignation , was reconfirmed by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy. This is what is read in a note from the Elysée. “The President of the Republic – accused the note – has appointed Francois Fillon, Prime Minister. The President of the Republic has asked the Prime Minister to propose him a new Government”.
In the evening, the reshuffle was announced. Sarkozy has chosen to keep most of the key men in their place, but has moved the executive a little further to the right.
Under the leadership of confirmed Prime Minister Francois Fillon, the Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde and that of the Interior, Brice Hortfeux, remained in place; and many loyalists of Sarkozy have been promoted. The Environment Minister, Jean-Louis Borloo – No. 2 of the outgoing government and until a few days ago hurried to the prime minister’s seat – took a step back, replaced by Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. At the head of the Quai d’Orsay, Bernard Kouchner, a former socialist, was replaced by a woman Michelle Alliot-Marie (Gaullist). Kouchner pays all the controversy in terms of immigration: many times he has not criticized government policy. The former premier Alain Juppè has returned to the Department of Defense: he is currently mayor of Bordeaux, and has already said he wants keep both charges.
Along with Kouchner, ex-defense minister Herve Morin also leaves the government, as well as well-known figures representing ethnic minorities, such as the city minister, Fadela Amara and the sports minister, Rama Yade.
Francois Fillon, just renamed prime minister, says he is ready to open a new phase focused on the economy. “After three and a half years of important reforms – reads a statement – carried out despite a severe global economic and financial crisis, I am ready to start with determination a new phase that will allow our country to strengthen the growth of the economy and employment, promoting solidarity and safeguarding the security of the French “.
(November 14, 2010)