Nuclear alarm in Fukushima radioactive leak, reactors out of control

Nuclear alarm in Fukushima
radioactive leak, reactors out of control
Fukushima is an inferno, among thousands of houses in the suburbs of the impressive wave released by a collapsed dam, the tsunami penetrated five kilometers inland and – arrived in the night to terrorize the whole of Japan – the nuclear alarm for the plant nuclear radiation around which radiation is a thousand times greater than normal enough to decide a mass evacuation.
The official announcement of the “small radioactive leak from reactor No. 1” came from the government spokesman, Yukio Edano, who added that the “technicians are working on the problem”. Several times it was reported that the situation would return to normal in a short time, and the authorities specified that they had sufficient supplies of liquid to cool the core. But in the evening other alarms were added, including the leakage of radioactive material from the plant’s structures, and the probable need to release radioactive steam into the atmosphere due to serious problems with the reactor cooling system. Steam is the only way to relieve pressure, while engineers try to restore the cooling system of the main reactor.
But as the hours go by, anxiety grows: Tokyo Electric Power, the company that owns the plant, has admitted to having cooling problems in reactors number 1, 2 and 4 of the II plant, Fukushima Daini 11.5 km from the first . Reactors that can no longer control the pressure and where the temperature is increasing.
The dam collapses. The nuclear alarm hit a Fukushima already devastated by the collapse of a dam. The structure has given way and the flooding of the water has swept away thousands of homes. An apocalyptic vision witnessed by a video that has gone around the world. Many inhabitants are missing.
(11 March 2011)