Exterminated family of settlers Brigades Al Aqsa claim

Exterminated family of settlers
Brigades Al Aqsa claim
JERUSALEM – Horror in Israel: a family of settlers was exterminated in the night. Five people (the parents, a three-month-old girl and two boys of 3- and 11 years-old) were found in their beds, struck by stabs. It is the Palestinian hunt that, according to an army spokesman, infiltrated the settlement of Itamar, near Nablus, in the north of the West Bank, and killed the five people. A nurse said that one of the children was still breathing when help came, but they failed to revive him.
Israeli forces launched a manhunt, sealing all the streets in the neighborhood with checkpoints and residents were told to stay indoors. The martyrs’ brigade of al Aqsa, Fatah’s armed wing, claimed the action with a flyer – specifying that it took place at 01.15 in the morning. “This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip” – we read again – we want to tell the criminals of the occupation that their crimes will not go unpunished. ” the massacre was condemned by the Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad. ”
The tension between Palestinians and Jewish settlers in the area was extremely high in recent days. On Monday, Israeli soldiers fired bullets at Palestinians, who had clashed with settlers near Nablus; and ten Palestinians, in addition to a settler, were injured in the violence. The attack is the most serious against Israelis since March 2008, when a Palestinian entered a Jewish religious school in Jerusalem and killed 8 students with an automatic weapon. Itamar, where a thousand Jewish settlers of religious nationalism reside, was the scene of an equally serious attack in 2002, when a Palestinian killed a mother and three children in her own home, as well as a security guard.
(12 March 2011)