Nuclear power in Iran, Pentagon attacks “Can have the bomb within 12 months”

Nuclear power in Iran, Pentagon attacks
“Can have the bomb within 12 months”
WASHINGTON – “One year”, would be enough for Iran to enrich enough uranium to create a nuclear weapon. The alarm on the level of development of atomic plans comes directly from Washington and, to be precise, from the head of the Pentagon Leon Panetta. Which then wants to specify that the United States will do “everything necessary” to prevent it.
“If they decided to do it, the Iranians would take about a year to be able to produce a bomb, and another one or two years to mount it on a carrier” like a missile, said the US defense secretary in a TV interview.
“The United States, and President Obama has been clear about this, do not want Iran to develop an atomic weapon,” stressed Panetta. On a possible military intervention, the head of the Pentagon limited himself to saying that “all options are on the table”.
(January 30, 2012)