Interpol operation against Anonymous arrested 25 hackers in Spain and South America

Interpol operation against Anonymous
arrested 25 hackers in Spain and South America
ROME – New chapter in the clash between Anonymous hackers and international authorities: Interpol arrested 25 alleged members of the movement, both in Europe and in South America, namely Spain, Argentina, Chile and Colombia.
Immediate retaliation by the group: the Interpol website is unreachable. And on Twitter, one of the accounts referable to the movement explains: ” # Anonymous is not a criminal organization”.
The suspects, said Interpol in a statement, are between 17 and 40 years old and are accused of planning cyber-attacks against institutional websites of Spanish parties, of the Colombian presidency, of the Ministry of Defense of Bogotá, against the company Chilean electricity supplier Endesa and many others.
This roundup arrives later and thanks to the seizure in mid-February of 250 devices, including computers and mobile phones, in over 15 cities. Two servers used by the group have been blocked.
Among the arrests in Spain also the alleged heads of the operations of Anonymous in Spain and Latin America, of which only the initials and the aliases Thunder and Pacotron have been made known.
(29 February 2012)