Police evacuates Puerta del Sol Stop the indignados protest

Police evacuates Puerta del Sol
Stop the indignados protest
MADRID – In the central ‘Puerta del Sol’, a symbol of the indignados protest, thousands have arrived, 30,000 according to the police. With the idea of staying there until May 15, the day of the of the movement. Several hundred protesters ignored the 22nd local time limit, because they left the square and around 5 am the police cleared the last group that still remained in place. In a few minutes the riot police intervened and evacuated the demonstrators, 18 of them were arrested. A police spokeswoman, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that two officers were injured as they drove the indignados away from the square. According to local media reports, the injuries would be slight.
” There will not be camps, because these are illegal acts, “Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz announced in recent days. A year ago citizen protest , caught up in the economic crisis, had caught the authorities by surprise. the square had been occupied by a camp of demonstrators for about a month
The conservative government entered in the meantime has made it known that it will not allow new garrisons. with a forced eviction also in Valencia, Cádiz and Palma de Mallorca the initiatives will follow one another for another 3 days until May 15, the first anniversary of the movement.
(May 13, 2012)