Kabul, a 12-year old suicide bomber surrenders to the Afghan authorities

Kabul, a 12-year old suicide bomber
surrenders to the Afghan authorities
KABUL – A 12-year-old Afghan child, trained by the Taliban to act as a suicide bomber to avenge the loss of his family in a NATO bombing, escaped from the camp where he was sent and surrendered to the authorities. The online newspaper Khaama Press writes.
This is Niyaz Mohammad, a child residing in the Kajaki district of the southern province of Helmand who three months ago was taken over by the Taliban and transferred to the Nawa district where he was to carry out an attack against Afghan and international security forces. Presented to the media by General Abdul Nabeel, head of provincial security, the child said: “The Taliban told me to carry out a suicide attack against foreign troops. But I did not put on the explosive vest and introduced myself to the command of the provincial security services “.
According to the newspaper Niyaz was placed under the responsibility of a Taliban commander when his family was killed in a NATO bombing and someone was looking for him to kill him when it became clear that he refused to commit suicide attacks.
(26 September 2012)