Pakistan, bomb explodes near market. Over 30 dead, even six children

Pakistan, bomb explodes near market.
Over 30 dead, even six children
ISLAMABAD – At least 37 people were killed by a bomb that exploded near a market in Peshwar, northern Pakistan. The blast struck a vehicle parked near a police station, killing six children. Local authorities report that they also speak of at least 70 wounded.
TV images show shops and cars on fire. According to a first police reconstruction, the explosion was caused by a very powerful 200 kg bomb of explosives mixed with artillery shells, remotely controlled.
The attacked power station is located just 300 meters from the church of All Saints, the target of an attack by two suicide bombers last week , which killed 85 people. Police report that today’s blast may have been caused by a car bomb detonated remotely. The attack has not yet been claimed but the most probable hypothesis is that behind the attack there may be Islamic fundamentalist formations that have rejected the constitution desired by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, demanding the application of Islamic law.
(September 29, 2013)