France: journalist torn apart, mystery over death. Body found in underground Paris

France: journalist torn apart, mystery over death. Body found in underground Paris
PARIS – The last time she was seen dates back to August 20th. Then the 33-year-old French journalist Caroline Corvalan was known nothing more. Until September 24, when her body was found mutilated, without limbs, without head, hidden in a service conduit under a sidewalk in Paris. The trunk, in an advanced state of decomposition and wrapped in a plastic sheet, was discovered by a construction site worker on September 24th. It took days to identify it. Investigators’ investigations are underway and French newspapers are looking for every possible clue.
According to the French website RTL from March to August, Caroline Corvalan had received several death threats. On September 18, a few days before the body was found, according to a policeman in ‘Le Parisien’, someone had entered the house where she lived alone, and had stolen a cell phone, a tablet, a jacket and a bag. Perhaps even the camera, which however mysteriously reappeared in the apartment. Family members had hoped that she herself had gone home to get her things.
Some colleagues describe her as amiable, friendly, helpful and passionate about her work, but they ensure that at the moment she was not working on any particular investigation. Others say she was in treatment and had not worked for several months due to problems with depression. He had a complicated love life and in the last period she had two disappointments of love, one after the other. Caroline Corvalan had collaborated with various newspapers, including France 3.
(4 October 2013)