Iraq war, torture and murder of prisoners: dossier at The Hague against British soldiers

LONDON – The International Criminal Court in The Hague has been asked to open an investigation into alleged cases of torture, over 1,000, and over 200 murders (including unarmed prisoners) that British troops engaged in Iraq between 2003 were alleged to have committed. and 2009. This was reported by Sky News according to which two NGOs, one German and one British, presented a large dossier at The Hague.
The dossier contains reports of beatings, false executions, sexual harassment and other serious violations. The document includes the names, among others, of General Sir Peter Wall, head of the British army, former Defense Minister Geoff Hoon and former Undersecretary of Defense Adam Ingram. The document is entitled “The responsibility of UK officials in war crimes that resulted in systematic abuse of detainees in Iraq from 2003 to 2008.”
The details will be provided next Tuesday in London by the European Center for Constitutional Rights, which is based in Berlin, and by the British organization Public Interest Lawyers. So far, London has confined itself to forming a detective team, called The Iraq Historic Team, to investigate alleged cases of Her Majesty’s military abuses in Iraq against civilians. But it is led by a retired detective and the results of the investigations are not expected to come to light before the end of 2016.