Thirty thousand on strike in China at the Nike and Adidas factory

Thirty thousand on strike in China at the Nike and Adidas factory
Third consecutive day of strikes for Chinese workers of Yue Yuen, which produces shoes for Nike, Adidas, Puma and Asics. The workers ask for a 30% salary increase and better benefits and in the meantime they have interrupted the entire production. With the passage of time, the number of strikers increases, however a spokesman for the Chinese company did not want to communicate the exact number as it preferred not to say too much about the effects that the workers’ stop could have on production for Nike and Adidas: according to some estimates the strike workers number 30 thousand.
The Yue Yuen strike is yet another in a long series that has been involving China since the beginning of the year with workers demanding increases. And while the police preside over the spaces in front of the factory; Adidas and Nike are starting to show signs of impatience. A total of 40,000 workers work in the Yue Yuen plants. The company is partly owned by Taiwanese and threatens layoffs should strikes continue. According to what has been learned, the company would have committed itself to launching welfare measures by 2015, but the workers did not feel satisfied with the offer and started strikes.
On the stock market, Nike and Asics are not suffering any repercussions, while sales on Puma and Adidas have taken place,
(16 April 2014 )