Nigeria, the army: “We know where the kidnapped girls are”

Nigeria, the army: “We know where the kidnapped girls are”
ABUJA – Nigerian military forces have located the approximately three hundred girls abducted by the terrorist group Boko Haram . This was stated by the Chief of Staff of the Nigerian Air Defense Alex Badeh. “The good news – Badeh said in Abuja – is that we know where the girls are, even if we can’t say. Let us work and bring them back home”.
The military explained that the confidentiality of the information is due to the fact that the security forces do not want to use force to free the high school students abducted in the city of Chibok, in the State of Borno, now a month ago, to prevent any of them may be killed by kidnappers. “We know what we are doing – added the Chief of Staff – and we cannot risk some of them being killed to free them. So we are working on it”.
27 May 2014