Libya, US attacks on IS a political success for Serraj

For the Serraj government, for the Libyan cities and militias that support the prime minister wanted by the UN, the American attacks against IS are a major political success. First of all because they are a very important military aid against the Islamic State. But not just for this.
In recent weeks the Libyan national agreement, and in particular its “army” (ie the militias led by Misurata), had tried to score a decisive blow. Being able to free Sirte from the IS before General Haftar approached from the East. Free the city alone, without the support of allied armies on the ground. The revolutionaries of Misrata practically succeeded, but for weeks the offensive had been covered up, and every day Misurata, Zlitan and the other cities supporting Prime Minister Serraj lost dozens of soldiers and militiamen. Young Libyans hit by the Caliphate snipers, or torn apart by the mortar shells that left from the districts of Sirte besieged by the government.
General Mohamed al Ghasri, the spokesman for the military operation, gave some numbers: “Since May, when we launched the military operation, we have had 350 dead and at least 2,000 injured”. A load too heavy for the militias loyal to the UN-backed government: also for this reason the Serraj government finally asked for the intervention of American fighters and helicopters.
“We must protect our children and the Libyan people who support this operation,” said General Ghasri, “Daesh possesses sophisticated weapons and for this reason we must ask for help from those who have military technology that is capable of meticulously targeting certain targets. Those who are against this American intervention actually support the Daesh, the terrorists “, the general concluded.
At the press conference announcing the attacks, Prime Minister Fajez Serraj made it clear that the American intervention was and will only be a support from the air. This is because no Libyan leader can afford to remain in power with the support of foreign troops deployed on Libyan territory. And after almost three months of very hard fighting against IS, all the Libyans of good will have not only accepted but have almost invoked American help to end the Daesh.