Commuter train crashes in New Jersey, one dead and over 100 injured

A commuter train crashed in Hoboken station, New Jersey, a few miles from New York, across from Manhattan on the other side of the Hudson River. It happened around 8.30 am (2.30 pm in Italy). The outcome of the incident, released by the state governor, Chris Christie, is of one dead (a woman, killed by the collapse of the station’s roof) and 114 wounded. You save all the passengers trapped between the sheets.
The convoy entered the station at high speed, crashing at the end of the crowded quay. The wagons were raised and swept away part of the roof of the busy junction, which collects commuters headed for New York. The only official victim reported was on the dock. The CNN reports this.
The images show structural damage and the train is stuck in the middle of the port, on the sidewalks. “It’s all very confusing, we don’t rule out any possibility even if it’s early to draw conclusions,” Governor Christie said before going to Hoboken, and in contact with New York State governor Andrew Cuomo, as the train came from Spring Valley, in the State of New York. The investigations are carried out in collaboration with the federal authorities. The FBI excludes the terrorist track, followed instead ten days ago after the bombs that had caused 29 wounded in New York. Behind the crash, according to the first hypotheses, there would be the high speed of the train probably caused by the error of an “operator”, it is not clear if the driver or someone on the ground. The engineer, found in his place unconscious, is collaborating in the investigation.
The train was traveling at a much higher speed than normal, said Mike Larson, a railroad worker from New Jersey Transit. “I can’t tell you why he came in so quickly,” said the railwayman, telling that the convoy hit the “barrier” at the end of the track. The greatest damage occurred in the first half of the first carriage, some of the victims may have been among the passengers who were in the station along the train path.
Hoboken is a small town from which trains and ferries leave for Manhattan. Some of the connections with the metropolis, by train, remained blocked; instead the line connecting the state of New Jersey to Washington is in operation. The New Jersey Transit is the largest state-run public rail system and the third largest transport company in the United States. It brings together three states: New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The derailed convoy carries over 15,000 people to Hoboken station every week.