Cameron, life after bankruptcy Brexit: paid as an expert on the risks he created

LONDON – It could be assumed that for a while no one wanted to listen to David Cameron anymore, after his daring decision to hold a referendum on the European Union saw the victory of Brexit and perhaps created the greatest political crisis of post-war in Britain and in Europe. But apparently the future already smiles at the former conservative prime minister. As the Times reveals this morning in London, Cameron made his first lecture as lecturer in recent days, paid 120,000 pounds for a one-hour speech by a Wall Street real estate investment company, Blackstone Properties. Paradoxically, the topic of prayer is the risks of Brexit. That is the disaster that Cameron himself contributed to provoke. How to ask for advice on the danger of a ship sinking to the one who made a hole in the hold.
The London newspaper notes that the former leader of the Tories has earned more, at a rate of 2 thousand pounds a minute, with a one-hour speech, which with ten months of the salary he received as prime minister. And he points out that, as the youngest ex-premier of the last half century, finding himself essentially retired from public positions at just 50, he could now wait for a lucrative career. He has already received another invitation to lecture, from Bain Capital, an American investment company co-founded by Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for the White House defeated by Obama in 2012. And even if for now he has only accepted a position in the volunteering, as a consultant to the National Citizen Service, a charity, it is likely that he will not miss the job, from writing a
If this is the case, Cameron will follow the example of Tony Blair, who after having left Downing street has accumulated over a decade a fortune of 27 million pounds according to an estimate by the British press with his private activity between speeches and consultations for companies and governments : not for nothing the conservative leader, at the beginning of his career, was nicknamed “Tory Blair” because of how he resembled the then Labor prime minister. It could end up in the same “stable” of paid speakers, the Washington Speakers Bureau, which includes Blair and two other former British premieres, Gordon Brown and John Major, as well as George Osborne, the government’s Treasury minister Cameron, who has so far earned nearly 100,000 pounds with four speeches. But Cameron’s earnings, making only one,