He pretends to be Prince of Montenegro and a VIP scam and authority to stay for free: discovered in Brindisi

BRINDISI – All it took was a false profile on social media, an equally fake internet site and fake documents: this is how a 57-year-old from Turin managed to pass himself off as Prince Stefan Cernetic real of Montenegro and Macedonia scrounging a stay in an extra-luxury relay in Fasano from 25 to 31 July 2016. A very successful staging through which the man, resident in Turin, managed to be received by high prelates, mayors from all over Europe but also personalities from the entertainment world.
End of the fiction for the fake prince and his faithful companion, a 63 year old from Quindici (Avellino) with many precedents for fraud made to pass as Macedonian ambassador to Italy. The two were reported on the loose for false proof of personal identity as well as possession and fabrication of false identity documents.
Emilio Romani, the mayor of Monopoli, also fell for it, immortalized in the Italian flag during the reception ceremony of the fake prince: the images can be found on the institutional website of the Municipality. But there is also Pamela Anderson, the famous lifeguard with the title of Countess of the Lilies in Santa Margherita Ligure for investiture of the fake prince. Photos and ceremonies from one end of the world to the other, even with high Catholic and Orthodox prelates, until the two have set foot in a foul.
The investigation activity began in the third decade of August 2016. It was then that the managers of the Fasano relay presented the bill to the Macedonian embassy in Italy, following the instructions of the fake prince. The response was dry: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said stop.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent photos of Cervetic and companion to all the forces of the territory. The military were warned that the 57-year-old had boarded a Mercedes with a lot of Montenegrin flags and diplomatic corps stickers in the Brindisi relay. All fake, built, counterfeit. Therefore, neither of them enjoyed any immunity or privilege on the Italian territory of the 1961 Vienna Convention. In the meantime the fake Stefan Cervetic had been able to enjoy his extra-luxury stay.
A pantomime in which not only politicians and entrepreneurs from Puglia have fallen, but also institutional figures from all over Europe, so much so as to unleash the hunting of the carabinieri under the provincial commanders of Brindisi but also Turin, Bergamo and Avellino. During the research activities, stamps were seized, false diplomats, stickers from the diplomatic corps, certificates of international prizes for the royal family of Montenegro and various diplomas were passed.
Cervetic is a professional transformer, capable of becoming another, anyone else depending on the occasion. The purpose is always the same: to eat and maybe earning something. On September 19, 2013 the self-styled food and wine journalist Stefano Cernetic, director of the online newspaper Il Gotha del gusto, showed up at the Osteria del Leone in Bagno Vignoni (Siena) showing his (counterfeit) card and a TripAdvisor logo. Promised a review for 50 euros. He had used the same trick four years ago. When he tried again, he was exposed and reported by the restaurateur.