
US: hackers attack Equifax, at risk data 143 million people

US: hackers attack Equifax, at risk data 143 million people NEW YORK – A hacker attack that put at risk the personal data of over 143 million American, British and Canadian…

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US hurricane Harvey: Trump calls for 7.8 billion in Congress

US hurricane Harvey: Trump calls for 7.8 billion in Congress Over one million people have been evacuated, at least 50 have died and more than 40 thousand have been sheltered. These are…

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North Korea launches a missile that flies over Japan. Seoul: “The first ready for nuclear warheads”

SEOUL – He had also threatened “fire and flames”, like Donald Trump, but on the American island of Guam , in the Pacific, and this time he went there if not surely closer…

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France, car falls against a pizzeria: a little girl killed, 6 wounded. The driver is arrested

A 13-year-old girl died and twelve injured people, four in very serious condition. This is the result of the crash of a car, a BMW, against the tables of a pizzeria…

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The Pakistani who wanted to embark a bomb on the Ryanair flight to Bergamo was sentenced in GB

He would try to embark an explosive device hidden in his hand luggage and he could have detonated it during the Ryanair flight from Manchester to Bergamo. For this reason, a…

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Genetically modified human embryos: that’s how they did it

Genetically modified human embryos: that’s how they did it The news was leaked last week, but today the scientific journal Nature publishes the entire study on genetically modified human embryos. The experiment, which…

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US, millions of dollars for the wrong currencies: Pentagon waste in Afghanistan Photo of the US Department of Defense In ten years, the US Department of Defense spent US $…

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Portugal, apocalypse of fire in Pedrógão Grande: 63 deaths including 4 children

At least 63 people, including four children, lost their lives in the violent fire that devoured the woods of Pedrógão Grande, in central Portugal, about 150 kilometers northeast of Lisbon. The…

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He pretends to be Prince of Montenegro and a VIP scam and authority to stay for free: discovered in Brindisi

BRINDISI – All it took was a false profile on social media, an equally fake internet site and fake documents: this is how a 57-year-old from Turin managed to pass himself…

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Switzerland, the Navy forced to sell 13 ships. The government intervenes with 200 million

LUGANO – A maritime republic without access to the sea. Switzerland, despite being synonymous with banks, clocks and splendid alpine landscapes, has a respectable merchant fleet, with as many as 49 ships…

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